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Yes, Tobago is sun, sea and sand and you can see amazing birds from the beach, diving and swooping over the sea. Birds such as frigates, pelicans and boobies offer a real spectacle whilst you are lazing on the beach. And there are trees at the beach, Coconut palms with their graceful fronds moving in the breeze, Almond trees offering wonderful shade and Sea Grape with its round, pink veined leaves.

But there is also under the water, snorkel at Mt. IrvineEnglishman's Bay or Charlotteville and you will see coral of all sorts of shapes sizes and colours. Loads of fishes, even Angel fish if you are lucky, perhaps a turtle or a shoal of squid, amazing sights to be seen just below the surface.

And there are rivers and the rain forest. Cool, clean rivers babbling through lush verdant forests with the sounds of the forest all around you, cicadas, crickets and birdsong. Visit the Bird Sanctuary and you will see the cocrico, bananquits, antshrikes and mot-mots, gorgeous birds of all sorts of hue and colour. In the forest you will see the huge trees covered in lianas, epiphytes and plants you would recognise as house plants in temperate climates, such as huge Philodendron and Swiss Cheese plants. Then there are the plants growing on the river banks such as heliconias with their strange flowers, Using the rivers to access the rain forest then you will almost inevitably get to waterfalls with deep pools to swim in with hot rocks to dry off on and wonderful picnic places. There are some waterfalls that are very easy to access such as Argyle, Castara and Parlatuvier, others need a guide to get you there in one piece!

And, remember, there is nothing dangerous in our forests and rivers, the snakes are non-poisonous, our mosquitoes carry no life threatening disease and we have no wild vicious animals!

36 bird species have been seen so far at Mary’s Hill Lodge over a two week period...

Red Crowned Woodpecker

Blue-Grey Tanager

Pale-Vented Pigeon

Caribbean Martin

Scrub Flycatcher

Short-Tailed Swift

Rufous-Breasted Hermit

House Wren

Grey-Fronted Dove

Black-Faced Grassquit

Palm Tanager

Barred Antshrike

silver beaked tanagers

common black hawk

banana quits

bare eyed thrush

squawking geckos

golden tailed bird

Mot Mot

Frigate Bird (man o' war)

Blue Black Grassquit

Smooth-Billed Ani

White-Lined Tanager

Tropical Pewee

Copper Rumped Hummingbird

Tropical Kingbird

Ruddy Ground Dove

Grey King Bird

Rufous-Vented Chachalaca

Plain-Breasted Ground-Dove

White-Tipped Dove

Grayish Saltator

Tropical Mockingbird


Carib Grackle

Green-Rumped Parrotlet

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